About Ken Scott Fitness

About Ken Scott Fitness

KSF is an online resource for fitness that offers a variety of engaging classes that you can take live-streamed via Zoom or as a recorded class at a time that works best for you. You can choose to pay for live classes one at a time or opt for the monthly membership and have access to all classes, both live and on-demand. We offer a variety of fun workouts to meet the needs of participants regardless of their fitness level. Enjoy heart-pumping cardio classes like HIIT and Tabata, or body-maintenance classes like Foam Rolling and Stretching. We also offer deep strengthening classes like Total Body Sculpt, Barre, Core Conditioning, and more! Every class we offer is recorded and posted to our constantly updated library of fresh classes.

With the emerging of so many online fitness programs these days, it's easy to fall into the crowd and feel like you are flying solo while simply hoping for the best outcome. We believe that even online fitness resources have an obligation to watch and provide guidance for everyone that shows up. The KSF classes are more than just random workouts that feel like an item on your "to-do" list of the day. They are community-based, engaging, motivating, and customizable every step of the way. You'll feel like you are a part of the class rather than just watching a video where no one seems to know about how things are going for you. Even if you opt to take the recorded classes on your own time, the door is always open to reach out to Ken and discuss your goals, challenges, exercise form, or any other concerns along the way. We are here to keep you on target while respecting that every participant comes in with their own needs and goals.


Our Mission


One of the main values of the Ken Scott Fitness program is that body health should always be available to everyone without life’s limitations getting in the way. If you own a body, you deserve the ability to care for it regardless of any setbacks or challenges that life can bring. We understand that true fitness is not a singular destination but an ongoing process that takes consistency and an honest relationship with your body. The most difficult part of any fitness regimen is keeping the habit. Let’s face it… life presents many hurdles that can get in the way. Whether it be a lack of time, money, motivation, or dealing with an injury, the odds are stacked against us. Our mission is to meet people where they are at and give them the resources they deserve by providing engaging classes that you can either take live-streamed or as an on-demand video at a time that works best for you. We also provide support and communication with a highly qualified body expert that can help you with personalized advice and guidance anytime you need it.

About Ken Scott


One of the main values of the Ken Scott Fitness program is that body health should always be available to everyone without life’s limitations getting in the way. If you own a body, you deserve the ability to care for it regardless of any setbacks or challenges that life can bring. We understand that true fitness is not a singular destination but an ongoing process that takes consistency and an honest relationship with your body. The most difficult part of any fitness regimen is keeping the habit. Let’s face it… life presents many hurdles that can get in the way. Whether it be a lack of time, money, motivation, or dealing with an injury, the odds are stacked against us. Our mission is to meet people where they are at and give them the resources they deserve by providing engaging classes that you can either take live-streamed or as an on-demand video at a time that works best for you. We also provide support and communication with a highly qualified body expert that can help you with personalized advice and guidance anytime you need it.



San Francisco, Bay Area

Tel: (925) 954-8499

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